This Is How You Talk About Republicans

Both Sides Don't attempt to throw out Black votes. Only the RACIST Republican Party does.

[h/t Rex Chapman for the Zoom video above. -- eds.]

You'll never hear this kind of language on Meet the Press.

Ned Staebler, a Wayne County Board Member of Canvassers, called out BY NAME the two election officials who last night tried to erase the votes of Black people in Detroit by refusing to certify the vote in Wayne County. After hours of outrage and turmoil (and a sure sense that the Democratic governor and Secretary of State were going to have none of this) the two relented and certified the vote after all.

These two racists are William Hartman and Monica Palmer. Say THEIR names. Ned Staebler did.

After pointing out that the two Republicans were objecting to the Black district vote but not white district votes which had more discrepancies, Staebler named names and said the word "racist."

And THIS, my friends, is how you talk about Republicans when they suppress the Black vote, which they always do:

NED STAEBLER: I just want to let you know that the Trump stink — the stain of racism that you, William Hartmann and Monica Palmer, have just covered yourself in is going to follow you throughout history. Your grandchildren are going to think of you as Bull Connor or George Wallace. Monica Palmer and William Hartmann will forever be known in southeastern Michigan as two racists who did something so unprecedented that they disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of Black voters in the city of Detroit. Just know when you try to sleep tonight that millions of people around the world now on Twitter know the name Monica Palmer and William Hartmann as two people completely racist and without an understanding of what integrity means or a shred of human decency. The law isn’t on your side, history won’t be on your side, your conscience will not be on your side.

Republicans alone suppress the Black vote. Both sides don't. And news outlets that push the "both sides" myth are engaged in endorsing and coddling White Nationalism. The end.

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