Joe Lieberman Defends Pompeo's 'Second Trump Administration' Comments

Yeah, he wishes they'd be more accepting of Joe Biden's win, but he defends giving Trump time to cry it out.

According to Joe Lieberman, Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, and Mitch McConnell are handling these here election results juuuuussst fiiiiiiine. Oh, and the refusal to allow a smooth, legal transition? Nothing at all to worry about. Yeah, that's right, just let the man-baby cry his tears, throw his toys, have his nannies never speak a cross word to him in private or about him in public, and it'll be just great!

Ayman Mohyeldin interviewed the former candidate for vice-president from 2000, and reminded Lieberman that the GOP called him a sore loser for challenging the vote count in Florida that year. He asked if that made the GOP hypocrites for nearly to a person refusing to acknowledge that Joe Biden is officially the president-elect. Here's Lieberman's response:

LIEBERMAN: No, I think they're just trying to give the president time to work his way to what I think is the inevitable, which is, and I speak as a supporter of Joe Biden, so you have to allow for that, but it seems to me that it was a close election in the electoral college, but Joe Biden has clearly won. President Trump has the right, as we did in 2000, to take his case to court. I think he'd be a lot better off and put a lot less pressure on his lawyers if he wouldn't keep saying the election was stolen unless he really has evidence that it was stolen. I think what most people would understand, those five states that called last, it was close, and it's reasonable, perhaps, to ask for a recount if that's what the state law allows.
But so the president has some time, but he's got to put up some evidence to back up his claim that the election was stolen, or it's time to just acknowledge reality and really put the country ahead of his party and person and say, we fought fair and square, we didn't win, and it's time to move on now. President Biden, you're it.

SURE, Lieberman would prefer Trump's lawyers not bring baseless, frivolous lawsuits before the courts to soothe his pathetically fragile ego, but *shrug* basically. It's his right...except, Senator, it ISN'T. In real life, according to Glenn Kirschner, lawyers get sanctioned for bringing suits with no evidence to back them up. But this is Trumpworld. On Earth 2, people do all kinds of sh*t without consequence.

Mohyeldin followed up by asking if it wasn't dangerous, though, for Mike Pompeo to stand up at a State Department podium, and state that there would be "a smooth transition to a second Trump administration?" Again, Lieberman shrugged.

LIEBERMAN: I happened to see him answer that question. He was smiling broadly when he did it as if almost he was joking. I mean, I think he probably would have been better as secretary of state, if he hadn't answered the question at all. Therefore, not run the risk that anybody around the world would be in doubt what's going to happen. I mean, it's pretty clear that people around the world including most importantly our allies in different sections of the world know that joe Biden's going to be the 46th president of the United States.

Then, THEN, when Mohyeldin played Mitch McConnell's remarks, refusing to acknowledge Biden as the winner, and stating that this is all a very normal and appropriate way for the transition to occur. Gee, Sen. Lieberman, what does that say about McConnell? Wanna know what he said? DO YOU? D-O Y-O-U???

Former Senator Joseph Isadore Lieberman said, "IT SAYS ABOUT MITCH MCCONNELL THAT HE'S BEING A TEAM PLAYER" everybody! Do you hear me? A tEaM pLaYeR!!!

You're welcome for sparing you all that part of the video, but trust me, it happened. It was vile, and it happened.

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