Laura Ingraham Continues To Promote Covid Murder Culture By Whining Over Mardi Gras
Laura Ingraham said she doesn't know if masks and social distancing works against COVID, so we need to have massive parades.
Laura Ingraham, one of the first COVID deniers on Fox News, had on a guest who attacked New Orleans Mayor because she banned Mardi Gras parades due to COVID.
Ingraham's segment called Seen and Unseen focused on how more holidays are being destroyed by liberal leaders. War on Thanksgiving! War on Mardi Gras! End of the world!
Mayor LaToya Cantrell's office made this statement on Tuesday.
"Mardi Gras ... [is] a season of traditions that we celebrate every year, a time that the community comes together in formal, fun, and often unexpected ways," the mayor's office said in a statement. "With COVID-19 cases increasing around the country, we will have to modify how to observe [Carnival] season. ... We are surrounded by hot spots and we don't know what the future holds in store for us."
Fox News contributor Raymond Arroyo joined Ingraham and said he would've like to invite her to Mardi Gras, "but it's been mostly canceled."
You mean the Mayor of New Orleans is trying to protect her constituents from getting sick and dying. Heaven forbid.
Last year's Mardi Gras was held at the end of February when Covid was just beginning its descent upon the country.
This idiot used last February as his template and said that bars were the actual super-spreaders and not the parades. Then moronically he claimed that people at parades will wear masks, social distance, and will stay safe.
Social distancing at a street carnival? Has he been asleep these last nine months?
Arroyo said, "When people come out to see parades they're usually standing with their families outdoors, and if there mask and social distance surely there is a creative way to deal with this but the mayor wants to have it both ways."
After playing some video of the New Orleans Mayor, Laura Ingraham said "we don't even know if social distancing and masks work" to prevent Covid, but people need their traditions.
Even if they kill you and others?
Fox News talk show hosts are continuing to promote their COVID murder culture to their viewers.
All week they've been hyping a war on Thanksgiving because of COVID restrictions and now it's any form of a parade.
Will they be happy when we have one hundred thousand people a day dying from the pandemic?