Pat Robertson Screams 'Venezuela Stole Election From Trump!'

Pat Robertson's new conspiracy theory involves Venezuela. Yes, Venezuela.

Pat Robertson had a meltdown on the 700 Club Monday morning after CBN aired a report that treats Rudy Giuliani's crazed "Dominion voter fraud" claims as if they had already been verified.

After the produced segment finished, the right-wing evangelical leader looked into the camera and exclaimed, "Doesn't it shock you, ladies and gentlemen. Doesn't it shock you?"

What's shocking is any person in media or elsewhere taking Rudy Giuliani seriously about any frivolous claim he's made during Donald Trump's tenure.

Instead of miraculously recovered Hunter Biden laptops, and pretending to set up a shadow US government In Ukraine to force their newly elected president to aid in the dissemination of phony evidence against Joe Biden, now Giuliani claims to have the evidence to overturn the elections in four states. And he ties Venezuela to the voting machine company without showing any proof, of course.

The latest fraudulent claims are against Dominion. Here's The Washington Post's complete debunking of this OAN / QAnon conspiracy theory.

NY Mag writes, Trump’s New Vote Fraud Theory Is So Much Crazier Than You Realize

But just the mention of Venezuela throws Robertson into a tantrum.

PAT ROBERTSON: Doesn't it shock you, ladies and gentlemen? Doesn't it shock you? I am so sick of hearing -- anchors, including those on Fox News, saying the unproven allegations, the unproven, and the president doesn't have evidence."

"There is reams of evidence. -- evidence pointing to fraud, reams of sworn testimonies, and people -- you hear these guys saying they are unproven allegations. [Trump] doesn't have to prove anything. He has the evidence and the proof.

Well, he has no evidence? The evidence is overwhelming, and the thought that Venezuela might be controlling the company that in turn handles the huge amounts of ballots that control the election of the United States, it's horrifying.

I was told that the huge servers having millions of the ballots were in Germany. Now, I understand that it may well be in Barcelona, Spain. but it's not in America. This is something that we cannot permit. We cannot allow this to happen in this great country and we cannot allow our elections to be stolen.

I hope that the people in the so-called fake media will behave themselves and stop saying that the president should be quiet and accept the results and roll over and give Biden everything that he asks for.

No way, no how.

To Robertson, by Trump and Giuliani just claiming there is evidence of voter fraud is enough evidence to upend a general election where almost 80 million people have voted for Biden. This is insane.

But since facts and the truth are immaterial to Trump supporters, Pat Robertson and a host of other Trump sycophants have taken to the airwaves to promote these lies.

It's amazing how effortlessly they do lie.

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