Trump Abruptly Cancels Visit To PA 'Voter Fraud' Hearing

There was supposed to be a bombshell "hearing" in Pennsylvania, made up entirely of Republican lawmakers, about voter fraud in the 2020 election. Trump decided not to go.

Rudy Giuliani continues his inane and sophomoric handling of Trump's legal fight to overturn the 2020 election.

The plan was to go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where Republican state lawmakers would hold a faux "hearing" on nonexistent voter fraud.

It was reported that Trump was going to appear there, even as aides were trying to talk him out of it.

Now it's being reported that Trump has canceled the visit. Why? The claim is that Rudy Giuliani was exposed to a second person who has Covid.

Thoughts and prayers.

Didn't Trump already have the coronavirus? If he's cured and has the antibodies that are supposedly going to keep him safe afterward, why is that the reason he is not going?

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