Trump's Lead COVID Task Force Doc Calls For Insurrection Against Michigan

CNN's Dr. Jonathan Reiner called Dr. Atlas a "menace" and even though his advice is dangerous to Trump, "it's another thing to advocate insurrection."

Dr. Scott Atlas, who has taken over as the public face of Trump's COVID task force, tweeted out on Sunday that the people of Michigan should rise up against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's plans to quell the coronavirus.

Dr. Atlas is not a immunologist and was a nobody before Tucker Carlson started putting him on Fox primetime to denigrate CDC guidelines like wearing masks. That made him worthy of a Covid taskforce position in the stable genius administration.

Atlas tweeted on Sunday that the people of Michigan should refuse to comply with Gov. Whitmer's plans prevent her constituents from contracting the virus.

As an FYI to this moron, the governor of Michigan was targeted in a kidnapping plot planned by right-wing extremists earlier this year, which if had been successful, may have resulted in her death.

But this fraud tells the people of Michigan to "rise up" against Gov. Whitmer.

Dr. Atlas later came back on Twitter and said he wasn't talking about violence.


Dr. Atlas tried to incite the people of Michigan to act against the wishes of the Governor and that puts the entire state at risk.

His prescriptions to combat the virus since Trump plucked him from FOX News have been disastrous, as the entire nation is exploding with new coronavirus cases at an alarming rate which is resulting in more and more deaths from COVID.

On CNN this morning, medical analyst Jonathan Reiner called Dr. Atlas a "menace" and "it's another thing to advocate insurrection."

That sums Dr. Atlas up perfectly.

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