DeSantis Sends Cops To Raid COVID Data Scientist's Home At Gunpoint

Rebekah Jones has been tracking COVID infections in Florida. Until today, when Gov. Ron DeSantis sent his goons out after her.

DeSantis Sends Cops To Raid COVID Data Scientist's Home At Gunpoint

Dr. Rebekah Jones built her own COVID-19 dashboard to track Florida infections and deaths after being fired for accurately reporting that data as part of her job with the state.

Since then, she's been reporting COVID stats on her own from her own hardware in her own home. Until today. (WARNING: The video in her first tweet is triggering):

Her resolve to get accurate data out to the public is patriotic. Ron DeSantis and his thugs need to go to jail for this kind of behavior. It's time for the ACLU and other civil liberties organizations to leap to her defense. And for all the Republicans responsible -- from Trump to DeSantis to every election/mask/COVID denier out there -- to pay the legal price for their thuggery and disregard for individual rights.

You think the raid was related to the exposé about how he lied to Floridians about the seriousness of the virus? Hmmm.

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