'Disgusting And Demoralizing': Conservative Congressman Resigns From GOP

Rep. Paul Mitchell is done with the Republican party after they attempted to subvert American democracy and the U.S. Constitution.

Michigan Rep. Paul Mitchell is done with the Republican party after they attempted to subvert American democracy and the U.S. Constitution. In an interview with Jake Tapper, he made no bones about the fact that he thought the Texas lawsuit was bull, that Republicans have given away their principles, and they now worship at the altar of Donald Trump.

Mitchell is no moderate Republican, either. He's a member of the Republican study group and voted with Trump 95 percent of the time. And yet.

He summed it up well when he told Tapper why he was unconcerned about being called a RINO when he opposed Trump.

"The definition of RINO has changed the last couple of years. RINO is now if you don't follow whatever the president decides is the theme of the week, the day, or the month," Mitchell said.

"I'm a fiscal conservative and I believe in small government," he continued. "How will I respond? Frankly I'm not. I'll stand on my principles."

Unfortunately, he then went on a "both sides" rant about "the extremes of both parties dragging their parties and this country off a cliff" before coming back around to his primary frustration with Republicans and their fascination with Trump.

"The majority of Americans want solutions to problems, want us to address them and not see who can have a political win, not see who can grab political power for all it's worth and solve a problem for the American people," he continued. "And frankly we haven't done enough of that and not enough the last two terms."

And by "we" he means Republicans.

"This election confirms for me it's about power first and that, frankly, is disgusting and demoralizing," he concluded.

On that principle, we agree. It was and is all about power. Naked, raw political power and Republicans' thirst for it.

Mitchell is retiring. It doesn't cost him much to leave the Republican Party and denounce it. But it is still a glimmer of leadership which might be something more Republicans should consider doing, especially now that Trump has lost.

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