Fox News Is Giddy Over Eric Swalwell Nothingburger, Ignores Trump Lies On Russians

Hypocrisy, thy name is Fox News.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Fox News.

For almost four years under the Trump administration, Fox News was angrier at whistle-blowers, former employees, and leakers exposing the Trump administration's criminality, chaos, incoherence and narcissisism crippling this nation during a pandemic than what Trump actually did.

It wasn't too long ago Fox News' entire network refused to believe anything Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen told a congressional hearing because "he was a convicted liar," even though he was with Trump for over ten years.

And that's how the American judicial system, works. Criminals flip on each other.

Then like magic, after Trump got trounced in the election, Fox News hosts are just fine with leaks coming from the government against politicians once again. That is, when the politician is a Democrat.

I'm sure you've heard that Axios broke a story that was leaked to them about Rep. Eric Swalwell and an alleged Chinese spy.

Even though Rep. Swalwell aided the FBI and was never implicated in any wrongdoing, unlike, say, Rudy Giuliani.

During a segment on Outnumbered Wednesday, Fox host Harris Faulkner was giddy over the leak and lead the program with the story. Really. A five-year-old investigation is top news.

It's embarrassing but not criminal, but watching Fox News, you would think the Democratic Congressman sold top-secret information to President Xi.

Harris, the host, suddenly forgot all about her complaints of government leaks against Trump and said was it more important that this information came out against Democrats than who leaked it.

Democratic analyst Marie Harf was finally asked to discuss the matter and she shattered the narrative in under two minutes.

Harf said, "The FBI source quoted in the story said Congressman Swalwell was incredibly cooperative as soon as they told him about this women's affiliations with Chinese intelligence."

She continued, "He cut off all contact with her and assisted the FBI in their investigation. The source also said the congressman is not accused of any wrongdoings and just because someone donates money to you doesn't mean he was listening to her about policy -- certainly we have no evidence of that."

"The distinction between when the FBI went to the Congressman and said this woman is a spy, he took the right action, He did what he should do," said Harf.

"Contrast that with what the Trump campaign did when the FBI came to them and said these people you're talking to are Russian agents and they lied about it so let's talk about hypocrisy in that realm."

The leadership from both parties "knew about this in 2015 before Donald Trump was even president so I do think it's a question of why it's leaking now when so many people knew about the investigation into this woman many years ago."

Fox News will keep their viewers ramped up on this brainwashing for as long as a Democrat occupies the White House. It's the only tool in their chest.

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