Fox Business Ecstatic Because Wall Street Loves Government Spending: 'Investors Love It!'

Another right wing myth shatters again after Wall Street celebrates the possibility a new round of stimulus spending will pass Congress.

Right wing politicians, pundits, and most stock market analysts always attack any form of government spending or stimulus to help Americans because their main focus is always about federal debt reduction.

They claim tax cuts are the fountain of youth and are the only elixir to help struggling economies no matter what the circumstances are.

Fox Business' Stuart Varney opened up his program today as the stock market jumped over 300 points because of the news that government and pandemic stimulus might be on the way.

"The odds of something passing just went up," he said.

"Investors love it!," Varney exclaimed.

He continued, "Trillions from Washington. More printing by the Fed that is a shot in the arm for the stocks."

As we all learned, Trump's massive giveaway to the rich, his tax cuts for the wealthy did not generate what they claimed it would and instead added trillions of dollars to the federal debt.

As expected, the very wealthy didn't trickle down some of the monies they received to the public from the tax cuts and instead bought back stocks in huge quantities.

However, as we've seen most recently, since the pandemic hit, government stimulus packages have been a lifeline to many small businesses and the working class.

It's about time Wall Street cheered for stimulus spending and shut up about the deficit.

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