Fox News Guest Attacks Left Wing Protesters As "Miscreants' After Nashville Bombing

Former U.S. Special Agent David Katz said the police were heroes in Nashville before and after the bombing and all those who protest against law enforcement violence are miscreants on Fox News.

Even on Christmas day, Fox News can't put on a former law enforcement official who can just cover a breaking story to describe the bombing in Nashville Tennessee without insulting and degrading those from the left with whom they have differing opinions.

Rick Leventhal and Molly Line were hosting Fox News' coverage of the bombing, and were covering events directly after the law enforcement press conference, when former U.S. Special Agent David Katz was asked to describe what had happened.

The former US Special Agent said, "Like many of us, the recorded message warning the police that an explosion was going to happen was the most pertinent piece of information we received."

However, David Katz couldn't stop himself from being an ass, and as usual, attacked all those that are calling for changes in the way the police functions in America, so that innocent and unarmed Black Americans aren't being murdered just for being Black.

Katz said, "The police rolled up, and you get a recording that said this vehicle is going to explode in 15 minutes."

He continued, "By the way, (commenting on how the two Fox hosts were covering the event) thanks for taking the time to mention the heroic actions of the officers."

"Every miscreant who starts chanting defund the police, you know, and all that nonsense, look at those folks. They clearly saved lives," Katz declared.

Co-host Leventhal quickly moved off Katz' odious opinion and continued with the story at hand.

Did you see left-wing protesters after the bombing in Nashville? Of course not.

Police action in response to the bombing is exactly the type work supporters of BLM and most of America want from the police. Bomb threats, hostile situations, sexual assaults, murders, etc.

Americans who chants "defund the police" want (among other things) to divert resources from jackbooted tactics to aiding the communities that police are supposed to be protecting, so that police aren't called in for minor dust-ups that end with them murdering unarmed and innocent civilians.

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