Jenna Ellis Doesn't Even Understand What 'Three Branches Of Government' Means

Trying to invalidate over 100 million votes because Trump lost the election is sedition, and the Trump legal counsel is but a symptom of the sickness that infects the GOP and the White House.

Jenna Ellis claims all three branches of government failed to overthrow the election for Trump after the Supreme Court refused to hear the ridiculous Texas suit against the swing states that voted against Trump,

Ellis, a wacko Christian lawyer, is part of Trump's 'legal team,' and went on Newsmax to make these moronic statements. She said, "Across all three branches so far of government. First, you have the executive branch and the problem there is that they change the rules and we know that..."

The Executive Branch means the so-called president Donald Trump. She is so clueless Ellis has no idea what the hell she's talking about.

Ellis then complained about state legislatures who don't want to overthrow the will of the people after a general election, in which they tried to help make it a little easier for Americans to vote and not get infected, sick, and die from a pandemic.

"And now you have the Supreme Court, that really just decided on a political whim, to not hear this case, when clearly you have the interest of 80,000 American voters...," Ellis whined. She's claiming Trump voters were disenfranchised because of the changes in mail-in ballots.

What about the 81 million American voters that voted for Joe Biden?

Ellis continued. "How they (The Supreme Court) can pass on this is shocking.. It's morally outrageous!"

What is truly shocking are the outrageous actions taken by Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, their legal misfits, House Republicans, and the attorneys general across this country who committed sedition.

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