Lin Wood Calls For Trump To Declare Martial Law, 'Patriots' To Prepare

Donald Trump's election attorney's dangerous rhetoric is largely performative, but no less dangerous.

Trump election attorney Lin Wood's seditious rhetoric has taken a dangerous turn, calling for Trump to declare martial law in order to keep the presidency. Wood further escalated that rhetoric earlier Monday when he tweeted out calls for so-called "patriots" to prepare and get ready for Trump's instructions.

Here is his Sunday tweet:

Okay, it said "marital law" but you get the point, which he doubled down on earlier today:

"Massive evidence," none of which has been introduced in court under penalty of perjury. So we're clear. Nevertheless, Wood continued to use Twitter Sunday night to stir violence in the hearts of men.

Monday morning, on the day the electors vote, Wood wasn't finished with his seditious calls for suspension of the U.S. Constitution in service of Trump's fascist ambitions.

In my opinion, this is largely performative bullshit to keep the hater base engaged through the Georgia primary. Today is the first day of early voting, Lin Wood is a Georgia attorney, and he is actively promoting seditious behavior with the sole goal of keeping the white supremacist confederates engaged enough to vote.

However, he's got a conundrum on his hands. On the one hand, he claims there was massive cheating in Georgia which delivered the state to Biden. On the other, he needs them to go vote for Loeffler and Perdue in order to keep the Senate locked to Republicans.

I do not think his strategy will work, but anything we can do to help get out the vote in Georgia will help. Donate to the candidates via Blue America, phone bank, write postcards, whatever you can possibly do.

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