Mad King Trump Turns On His Loyal Subjects... Including McConnell And Pence?!?
But what about your pardon, Donnie?
In the waning days of the Trump administration, Donald Trump has been rage tweeting and lashing out at the people that helped him the most.
These loyal subjects helped king baby by packing the courts, demonizing minorities, committing illegal acts in Ukraine as well as multiple Hatch violations, etc.
But anyone now who refuses to agree with crackpot conspiracy theories from Sidney Powell and convicted felon former Gen. Michael Flynn (who is calling for martial law) so Trump can seize the presidency are traitors to HIM.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell just claimed Trump's top prize of being a turncoat by admitting Joe Biden is our new president.
McConnell's 11-point lead over his opponent is meaningless because the great and powerful Trump recorded a robocall for him, so Mitch owes it to Trump to entertain his crackpot and seditious attempts to overthrow Joe Biden's clear 2020 election victory!
Axios reports on Trump's unhinged meltdowns.
President Trump, in his final days, is turning bitterly on virtually every person around him, griping about anyone who refuses to indulge conspiracy theories or hopeless bids to overturn the election, several top officials tell Axios.
The latest: Targets of his outrage include Vice President Pence, chief of staff Mark Meadows, White House counsel Pat Cipollone, Secretary of State Pompeo, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Why it matters: Trump thinks everyone around him is weak, stupid, or disloyal — and increasingly seeks comfort only in people who egg him on to overturn the election results. We cannot stress enough how unnerved Trump officials are by the conversations unfolding inside the White House.
I hope Trump names My Pillow's insane CEO Mike Lindell as his new Attorney General a week before Biden's inauguration and has him name a special counsel to try and confiscate Dominion voting machines, investigate Hunter, and declare martial law.
And after THAT fails. I hope to see Trump being dragged out of the Oval Office by the Secret Service.
Thoughts and prayers.