Mike's Blog Round Up
Great Liberal Web-Logs, Linked
The "Winter Is Coming" (Tomorrow!) Edition.
Only a month 'til Inauguration Day, but the madness seems never-ending: Hullabaloo.
Military Madness: Task & Purpose takes Trump to task for trying to ruin the civilian/military relationship for Pres.-elect Biden.
In other national security issues, Earth-Bound Misfit notes Trump's reaction to the Russian hack: Of course he's got Putin's back.
BonusTrack: Xmas/Festivus 2020 Ornaments, from Hackwhackers.
F.Z. B-Day Bonus from Urantian Sojourn.
Scrutinized & linked by M. Bouffant, who wishes all the best for the New Yr. (Don't hold your breath waiting, 'though.)
Send suggestions, tips & posts to mbru@crooksandliars.com.