Mike's Blog Round Up
Liberal Web-Logs Linked
The "Forty-ish Days Since The Election, Why Isn't It Over?" Edition.
Your tax dollars at work, via Scottie: "Because Daystar TV applied for a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan to pay its employees, and they received nearly $4 million of taxpayer money. That in itself isn’t a (new) problem since religious groups were allowed to receive PPP money to cover salaries for their staffers.
But Guerrero found out that Lamb, shortly after getting that money, purchased a multi-million dollar private jet…"
Green Eagle takes some samples of swamp water. Do not drink.
The Rectification of Names has a look at The Court & The Trump.
Saturday's degenerate D.C. delusions, from Down With Tyranny.
Bonus Funny, from Ant Farmer's Almanac.
Carefully curated by M. Bouffant. Send stuff to mbru@crooksandliars.com.