Mike's Blog Round Up
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"Simply Having A Wonderful Hanukkah Time" Edition.
The New York Crank explains French social life in the time of plague.
Friendly Atheist on a God-botherer. Someone's lying to him.
Another loon to watch: Virginia's leading Republican candidate for governor. Joe. My. God. has the deets: "VA Gov Candidate Urges Trump To Declare Martial Law".
The Big Bad Bald Bastard has found one hell of a paranoid delusion (You really can't call it a conspiracy theory.) concerning 50,000 Chinese troops on the Maine border. Or 20,000 Chinese & Israelis in Wisconsin. What is wrong w/ these people, & what is to be done w/ or about them?
Bonus: Melania's killing us.
Compiled over a hot keyboard by M. Bouffant. Hints, tips & suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com.