Presenting The 2020 Crookie Awards - Happy Holidays!

We're celebrating the worst -- and some best -- of the year 2020.

Hello Crooks and Liars Family! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, or whatever you are celebrating this time of year. We love you!

As usual, over the holidays we give out Crookie Awards to the worst wingnuts of the year. We also will be giving out some "good guys" awards to those who made 2020 a little brighter.

The first batch will begin Thursday, running from December 24-27, and the second batch will run from December 31-January 1, culminating with our Crookies of the Year, 2021. No fair guessing, but remember that Trump gets zero awards at the Crookies. He deserves nothing.

Posting will be light on the news front as we give our hard-working staff time to recover from 2020 and gear up for the waning days of the Trump administration.

Again, thanks so much for being with us during this very difficult and challenging year. We at Crooks and Liars wish all of you a happy (and healthy!) 2021. January 20th can't come soon enough, right?

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