Rand Paul Says The Quiet Part Out Loud, Promotes Voter Fraud Conspiracy Theories

Rand is pretending that Democratic outreach is somehow fraudulent. That's voter suppression, Rand.

Rand Paul joined Maria Bartiromo on FOX Business and claimed there was "massive voter fraud" in the presidential election (with no proof).

And then he attacked Georgia's election officials for promoting mail-in voting due to the pandemic.

Never forget that Rand Paul, also told Fox News viewers that masks don't keep us safe from the virus.

This morning he responded to Bartiromo's lunacy about mail-in ballots for the Georgia runoff coming in January.

"They are mailing out a solicitation. They're mailing everybody out a solicitation to vote by mail," Sen. Paul said.

Delegitimizing Democratic voter outreach as somehow "fraudulent" is standard operating practice for the racist Republican Party. And how is voting not a right for a US citizen?

He continued, "This is not the state law. This is something that has been created out of whole cloth by the Secretary of State, but if they do it again I'm very very concerned if you solicit from typically nonvoters that you will affect and change the outcome.

His meaning is clear. The more people in Georgia vote, the fewer chances Republicans will keep their seats.

And we know this is what they will say. If Republicans win the Senate runoffs in January then there was no voter fraud, but if Ossoff and Warnock win the races then there would have been massive voter fraud in Georgia "stealing" the Senate.

And Georgia has been a red state since Jimmy Carter's term ended.

On Fox and Friends, Rand Paul claimed that LBJ committed voter fraud back in the 60s with shoe boxes full of ballots and that we must purge entire voter rolls.

Back when Rand Paul was running for the Senate, Rachel Maddow exposed him as a piece of sh*t for his views on the Civil Rights Act and he continues to be one of the "f**kers from the Republican Party.

Sen. Paul continues to prove Maddow right.

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