Seditious Fox & Friends Host Continues To Pretend Trump Hasn't Lost The Election

Regardless of the number of losses Trump's legal team continues to rack up in court, Fox & Friends weekend host Will Cain continues to push for state legislators to ignore the will of the voters and overturn the election results in swing states.

Regardless of the number of losses Trump's legal team continues to rack up in court, Fox & Friends weekend host Will Cain continues to push for state legislators to ignore the will of the voters and overturn the election results in swing states.

It's bad enough Cain has been pushing this nonsense on his own show, but Howard Kurtz's producers felt the need to allow Cain to push this seditious crap on this Sunday's Media Buzz as well.

After whining that the media is somehow being too "dismissive" of Trump's clown car of a legal team, and discussing the fact that even Bill Barr wasn't willing to save Trump, how Trump's threats to fire him after he committed the cardinal sin of admitting the truth, that there was no widespread voter fraud, and the election results are not going to be overturned, Kurtz asked Cain's fellow guest Leslie Marshall whether Barr is suddenly "a hero" to the left. Marshall rightfully pointed out that no, he just looked like he was finally doing his job, rather than acting like a Trump toadie.

She also called what we're witnessing from the right exactly what it is, "which is the fairy tale phase," and told Kurtz someone finally needs to "tell to emperor he's naked."

Cain continued to push the notion that no one can "conclusively" say that the election wasn't stolen, or that there was no voter fraud, citing public distrust in the results -- fueled by people like him, I might add -- as some sort of proof that something nefarious must have occurred. Kurtz followed up by playing footage of Rudy Giuliani telling Hannity that they "don't need the courts" to win if they can push the state legislators into going along with their coup. Then Marshall laid into all of them for continuing with this farce.

Leslie: Well, you know, to Will's point, Will said there is, you know, let the evidence play out. How many recounts does the state have to do? How many state attorney generals and governors or even Republicans, you know, have to say, okay, I've certified the election and my count and Joe Biden is the president-elect.

How many cases does the Trump administration have to lose? My count, I think it's 41 out of 42 that have been put forth. There is a point where you say, okay, the results are accurate. You may not trust the media but now you're not going to trust the courts? You are not going to trust every single person in the electoral process and every single state, whether it's blue like California or red like Georgia?

There is a point where at the end of the day where you have to say, okay, I have lost this. It is time to move on and let the country move forward, because we are in a pandemic and constantly dragging the American people into this political fantasy at this point, if you will, is unhealthy on so many levels for this nation.

Obviously the answer to her question is that there is no number. The right doesn't care if they ever stop filing these suits. See for evidence the response from Cain, who, even after guest Kristen Soltis Anderson laid out in detail what a joke Trump's legal team has been, had this to say about why the country should finally move on.

CAIN: I agree with something Leslie said. There is a point at which we move on. The president's legal team as Kristen pointed out, does have to win. They do have to make their case at some point. And as you point out, and I've tried to make this point as well this week on Fox & Friends, they seemed to be moving their case into the court of public opinion when it comes to state legislators, where they will find a lower burden of proof. But make no mistake, you still have to make your case. My point is that will not be deemed or not be concluded by the media. It will not be the media that tells us when the case is over, when the process has concluded.

Thus his excuse to dangerously pretend that the election isn't over, and to blithely claim there's nothing wrong with state legislators overturning the will of the voters. Cain and his fellow Trump enablers on Fox continue to be one of the most dangerous threats to what's left of our democracy in America with rhetoric like this.

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