Trump 'Voter Fraud' Witness Says Voter ID Needed Because 'All Chinese Look Alike'
The justification for Voter ID is ALWAYS racist, just not always this blatantly racist.
On Wednesday, Trump's legal team, led by Rudy Giuliani, sunk to new levels of depravity and moral decay when a Republican poll watcher demanded that we need strict voter ID because 'all Chinese look-alike.'
I'm not kidding. This is one of their experts. First drunks, and now this.
Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis have promoted this insanity and showed no embarrassment or shame.
The Michigan State Legislature held a kangaroo court yesterday and a naturalized American citizen from India who served as a Republican poll watcher in Detroit describe some of her interactions.
The Michigan Oversight Committee chair then asked her what she would propose to avoid future election fraud and that's where she couldn't contain in her inner fruitcake.
“And the fact that now, as the other representatives said, you can actually show up and vote without an ID. It’s shocking. How can you allow that to happen?" she asked.
“Like, a lot of people think all Indians look alike. I think all Chinese look alike. So how would you tell? If some Chow shows up, you can be anybody and you can vote. And if somebody with my name — you can’t even tell my name — anybody can vote on my behalf. So ID should be the basic requirement.”
I've never heard anybody say all Indians look alike but that's beside the point. To use that as a justification to make a very racist voter ID claim is beyond the pale.
This is what Trump and Rudy Giuliani are using to try to undermine the 2020 presidential election.