Bill Barr To Trump: Your 'Clownish' Legal Team Is Lying And Your Voter Fraud Claims Are 'Bullsh*t'

Trump chose 'clowns' over reality when it came to the 2020 presidential election.

Jonathan Swan from Axios has an in-depth account of the falling out between Donald Trump and one his most loyal subjects, Attorney General Bill Barr.

I can't count how many times Barr defended Trump from his highly controversial and criminal actions. The worst, perhaps, was Barr's investigating the investigators of the Russia investigation and using his office and position to successfully gaslight the media about the Mueller report.

Barr also gave a highly charged religious speech that attacked the left and said secularists were destroying the country.

But trying to overturn the 2020 US presidential election was a bridge too far.

That should have made Trump support him even more. But one can ever disagree with the baby president.

Axios reports that after almost a month after election night, Barr met with Trump and told him that his theories on election fraud were bullsh*t. Even Pat Cipollone told Trump he had been investigating these claims.

Trump's ire at his AG occurred because Bill Barr told the Associated Press there was no widespread voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Just because Trump and his misfits running his legal team screamed about it doesn't mean it was true. And every relevant court ruled that Rudy and his woebegones were full of sh*t too.

Bill Barr told Trump that Giuliani, Powell and the rest of his miscreants were clownish. Clownish was a pretty mild word, in my estimation, but it made the point.

Trump, as usual, only believes people who fully commit to his egotistical worldview, and so Trump told Barr to watch the hearing on television.

Barr replied, "I'm a pretty informed legal observer and I can't f*cking figure out what the theory is here. It's just scattershot. It's all over the hill and gone."

Trump hitching his wagon onto QAnon and wild unfounded and bogus election fraud claims by Giuliani forced Bill to resign.

No one can be loyal to the Constitution and Trump at the same time. Many sided with the wannabe dictator and the results were a deadly riot at the Capitol. Washington D.C. is locked down with a huge military presence, hoping to prevent more violence during Biden's inauguration.

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