Dan Bongino Whines About His Parler 'Investment' - 'They Won!'

He DOESN'T Flip Out Because Parler Reportedly Aided And Abetted An Insurrection At The Capitol. Go figure!

As we noted earlier, Parler is a gimmick to get wingers who feel "oppressed" by Twitter all in one place so the owners of Parler can make a profit marketing merch to them in one location.

It's notable that Dan Bongino is wailing about his "First Amendment rights" but at the same time his real beef is over the loss of his, and I quote here, "investment." It's all about the benjamins.

After the nightmare at the Capitol which left at least five people dead, internet companies that hosted Parler took swift action to tamp down the sedition and wacko conspiracy theories which reflected the traitorous violence against government officials.

After January 6, there were many other plots fomenting online by these extremists to try and subvert our democracy and engage in violent acts before, during and after Joe Biden's inauguration.

Never before in America have we seen this coordinated attempt by so many right-wing extremist miscreants to mount a coup in an effort to help Trump usurp the 2020 presidential election.

As the smoke begins to clear from the Capitol Building, Dan Bongino, one of the investors on Parler, freaked out on Fox and Friends in an effort to play the victim card.

Bongino yelled, "Listen to me, America! We were wiped out --- I have not slept all weekend, they have effectively tried to bankrupt me and my investors on Parler."

Owning, investing and operating a system that helped to coordinate and instigate an insurrection against the duly elected government of the United States has consequences, Dan.

"You know what, they won, " Bongino cried.

No one cries for you Bongino. You've been a consistent conspiracy theorist and Trump enabler who has been leading the charge of nonexistent "voter fraud" and "stop the steal" lunacy that has resulted in the violence at the Capitol with many lives lost.

Take your crocodile tears and shove it.

The entire country is apprehensive about what violence will happen next and your rhetoric-for-profit is the root cause.

As Gizmodo reports, In an email first obtained by BuzzFeed News, Amazon officials told the company they planned to boot it from its clouding hosting service, Amazon Web Services, saying it had witnessed a “steady increase” in violent content across the platform. “It’s clear that Parler does not have an effective process to comply with the AWS terms of service,” the email read.

The "no comment moderation" at Parler was a feature, not a bug. It's the reason Trump supporters flocked to the site.

And by the way, it may be that Dan Bongino just confessed to a crime on national television. Oops.

Frances Langum contributed to this post.

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