House Democrats Poised To Introduce New Articles Of Impeachment - (UPDATE 5)

After yesterday's coup attempt, Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have drafted new articles of impeachment. It's clear Trump cannot remain in office another day.

Donald Trump cannot remain in office for the next 13 days. Period. He cannot hold the nuclear codes for one more minute, and he cannot be permitted to wreak havoc on this nation like he did yesterday.

Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee Democrats sent a letter to Mike Pence demanding the 25th Amendment be invoked. Now, they are putting the finishing touches on articles of impeachment.

The Washington Post's Greg Sargent has gotten draft copies. He writes:

One draft being circulated, the Democratic aide tells me, says Trump is guilty of willfully inciting violence against the government of the United States. It notes that just before Congress convened to count the electoral votes, Trump reiterated false claims that he won the election and made statements that encouraged and predictably resulted in the lawless violence at the Capitol.

The mob that breached the Capitol, the draft continues, was incited by Trump and injured law enforcement, threatened members of Congress and disrupted their constitutional duty to count the votes.

The draft also cites a broad pattern in which Trump has tried to subvert and obstruct the counting of electoral votes, citing his pressure on the Georgia secretary of state to find votes to overturn the outcome after the voting and the state’s electors had been certified.

There is no question that Donald Trump cannot remain in office. It remains to be seen whether it will be by impeachment or by the 25th amendment.

This post will be updated as news develops.

UPDATE: Yes, this is happening.

UPDATE 2: We're up to 60 members


Pelosi steps up with the impeachment threat if the 25th Amendment isn't invoked:

Here is the YouTube of Speaker Pelosi's Press Conference:



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