Mike's Blog Round Up
Links to Pretty Great Liberal Blogs: DAY ZERO
The 400,000 Dead (Minimum.) Of The Plague By Inauguration Day Edition. You may exhale.
Juanita Jean marvels at Mitch McConnell contorting himself.
Promo Code: "Qanon". (Really.) Hackwhackers notes the "cancellation" of Mein Pillow by relatively respectable businesses. The schaden freudes itself.
To quote The Ig: "No fun.": Butterflies & Wheels on the last days of the current maladministration.
Parting cheap shot: "Ahistorical 1776 Report Issued by Trump Denounced as 'Racist Garbage' and 'Most On-Brand Thing Possible'
"Releasing the 1776 Commission report on MLK Day is the Trump administration reaffirming its commitment to racism above all else." Common Dreams. Some of it reused by its hack authors.
Bonus track: Buttermilk Sky reflects.
Assembled by Web of Evil (& Ennui)'s M. Bouffant, who sincerely hopes/doesn't think it can get any worse. Once COVID's controlled, maybe. Fingers crossed.
Tips & suggestions may be submitted to mbru@crooksandliars.com.