Pelosi Destroys GOP Leaders Over Marjorie Taylor Greene

Speaker Pelosi absolutely decimated Republicans for placing the QAnon, Parkland-denying freshman rep on the Education Committee, asking, "What were they thinking, or is thinking too generous a word?

Speaker Nancy Pelosi had nothing but disgust and shame to heap upon Republican leadership today at her weekly press conference. A reporter asked her about Marjorie Taylor Greene, a freshman representative from Georgia, who has made social media posts supporting putting a bullet in Speaker Pelosi's head, and who gleefully stalked and harassed victims of the Parkland high school mass shooting.

The reporter asked how concerned Speaker Pelosi was about Rep. Greene's past posts and rhetoric, and what she would like to see done about the freshman congresswoman. Pelosi's answer made it clear where the true responsibility lies for keeping her in line, and what a piss-poor job they are doing about it.

"What I'm concerned about is the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives who was willing to overlook and ignore those statements, assigning her to the Education Committee when she has mocked the killing of little children at Sandy Hook Elementary School," she practically spat. "When she has mocked the killing of teenagers in high school at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. What could they be thinking? Or is thinking too generous a word for what they might be doing?" Pelosi continued.

What they're thinking (such as one can call it that) is that QAnon conspiracy theorists are their base, now, and they need to reward the seditionists and attempted murderers with power so that they might have a shot at hanging onto their own. They're thinking appeasement worked out so well in World War II, what could go wrong if they tried it, too? They're thinking, "F*ck it, they're white and they want the same things I want, basically, so who am I to curtail their sh*tposting about dead kids?"

Speaker Pelosi thinks otherwise. "It is absolutely appalling and I think that the focus has to be on the Republican leadership of this House of Representatives for the disregard they have for the death of those children," she said.

Pelosi's focus was not on that despicable pissant attention whore Greene, but on Kevin McCarthy, who says he's going to have a "talk" with her. Rightly so. The Speaker knows she's above Greene by about 100 miles, and McCarthy could put her in her place if he wanted to.

She continued, "But to have someone who would mock, call it a fake, those fake events, onto the Education -- is just beyond -- it is just beyond any understanding of any regard that the House Republicans would have for the House of Representatives, for the Congress of the United States. And for the heartbreak of the families in Sandy Hook and at Marjory Stoneman High School. It really -- Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. It is behind the pale."

Speaker Pelosi always knows exactly where to lay the fully responsibility. "You'll have to ask THEM why they thought that that raised itself to the level of something appropriate to do in the Congress of the United States."

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