QAnon Whackaloon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: It's 'Possible Trump Loyalists Will Overturn The Election

Now that Georgians have elected a certified Qanon-loving, gun toting nut job to the United States' House of Representatives, expect Fox to ignore the fact that she's a complete whackaloon, and happily prop her up as the new face of the Republican party as they did this Sunday on Maria Bartiromo's show.

Now that Georgians have elected a certified Qanon-loving, gun toting nut job, Marjorie Taylor Greene, to the United States' House of Representatives, expect Fox to ignore the fact that she's a complete whackaloon, and happily prop her up as the new face of the Republican party as they did this Sunday on Maria Bartiromo's show.

Greene was brought on along with the Trump-loving “Democrat” Vernon Jones to discuss the latest wingnut outrage of the day over Stacey Abrams' sister, who is a federal judge, refusing to recuse herself in a case involving the recent failed attempt from the right wing group True the Vote and the Georgia Republican Party to disenfranchise Democratic voters.

Greene was also asked about their grand plans for January 6th, when she and her fellow Republicans intend to challenge the results of the presidential election, with Greene, like most of her cohorts, continuing to insist that she's seen evidence that the election was stolen and it's going to be revealed any time now. Never mind that they've failed to produce any of that evidence in the nearly 60 court cases that they've lost.

BARTIROMO: Well, this is just one of the issues Congresswoman Greene, that voters are saying looks bad, and raises an eye brow, and one of the reasons that you say you will contest the results of the 2020 presidential election during the joint session of Congress on Wednesday. Tell us what you're planning.

GREENE: Absolutely. I've said from the beginning, I joined Mo Brooks in our objection to the stolen election. I believe it's our duty as members of Congress to uphold the Constitution and defend the integrity of our elections and I intend to do that.

The people of this country, Americans, by the millions, 75 million people re-elected Donald J. Trump on November 3rd, and they are screaming from the rooftops that they know this election was stolen. We've got so many people that have signed affidavits at risk of perjury telling about election fraud. We have all the situations in Georgia such as Vernon just spoke about and I thank him for speaking up and telling the truth and serving Georgians like he always does.

But we have a true crisis and this isn't about political parties. This isn't about Republican and Democrat. This is not about president Trump versus Joe Biden. This is about the truth and defending the people's vote and it's appalling to me that our state leaders in Georgia are not listening to the people and doing what they're asking is a complete audit of every single machine and all of the ballots.

They need to be listening to the people because it's the taxpayers that pay for the ballots, pay for the machines, and pay for the elections and that goes for every single state across the country. We know that this is really been a stolen election. I've seen the evidence and that's why I intend to object on January 6th.

BARTIROMO: So how does that play out? You will object and then there is a two-hour debate period where you each will get what, five minutes to make the case? Will you present new evidence? President Trump said there will be new evidence to present and the campaign says it will present that on Wednesday. Is that part of the five-minute speeches?

GREENE: Well, I don't want to reveal our full plan, because you never want the enemy to know what you're up to and we clearly have enemies in this country that want to stop president Trump from being president for four more years and serving the American people like he has.

You know, what we're going to do on January 6th is we have over 100 members of Congress and that is growing. I hear from new members every single day as I've been on the phone, working hard, trying to get people to join in. Our Senators, we have a dozen, but guess what? There's more Senators leading in this objection.

We will be raising our objections and we will have sponsors and co-sponsors for each state. Once we do that, the chambers will separate. The House will go its way. The Senate will go its way, and then that's where we begin our debates, where each member has five minutes on the floor and, you know, I think it should be a full-on debate because we have to fight this out for the American people and that's what we have to be doing. We have to make sure we get this right.

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