'Racist Socialists!': Insurrectionist Gets In Chuck Schumer's Face During Press Conference

With no security to be seen anywhere, a female insurrectionist got in Chuck Schumer's face during his press conference.

Senator Chuck Schumer held a press conference to announce three things: First, that all insurrectionists be placed on the no-fly list. Second, that Donald Trump is a despicable President who employed the Big Lie: a "pathological technique used by the worst dictators."

And third, that after the House impeaches Donald Trump for the second time, there is a way to immediately reconvene the Senate with the consent of the Minority and Majority leaders.

As he got to that point, a masked woman walked right up to him and started shouting. Here's what the closed captioning caught. There was a lot more but it's difficult to make out.

"I am glad that Trump had it in him. You racist socialists -- you're nothing but cowards. I actually got excited over it. That's how much i loathe you. That's how much I'm glad what they did. People do what they do. After all, you don't care about us. We tried to protest peacefully for what?," she shouted.

At that point, CNN cut away.

I have concerns. Like....WHERE WAS HIS SECURITY? These insane people have been lied to until they're just totally deluded, proving the truth of Schumer's claim that he has used pathological techniques used by totalitarians and dictators around the world.

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