David Perdue More 'Disgusted' At Call Leak Than Trump's Election Tampering

Perdue said he wants Raffensperger to resign instead of Trump. Of course, he did. Your president committed a CRIME this weekend, AGAIN, David. But you know all about crime, doncha, insider trader?

On America's Newsroom, Senate candidate David Perdue defended Trump's now-notorious telephone call that tried to force Georgia' Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to overturn election results in the state.

You'd think Purdue, running in Georgia, would be outraged that anyone would mess with Georgia voters. Or at least mess with fellow-Republican election officials.

But David Purdue does not care about Georgia voters, apparently. He cares about sucking up to Donald Trump.

Host Sandra Smith pressured the Georgia politician over the Trump call.

Perdue said he wants Raffensperger to resign instead of Trump. Of course, he did.

"I did say that it was disgusting. I guess I was raised differently, Sandra. Because my mom and dad were school teachers. But to have a state-wide elected official -- regardless of party -- to tape unknowing -- to tape without disclosing a conversation, a private conversation with the president of the United States and then leaking it to the press is disgusting," Perdue said once again.

He continued, "But I didn't hear anything in that tape that the president hasn't already said for weeks now since the November election, calling for some sort of investigations, some sort of resolution to the improprieties and the irregularities that we now see happened in November here."

Yes, in a the hour-long phone conversation Trump continued to promote unfounded claims and conspiracy theories about dead people voting in Georgia, yada yada yada.

But what Purdue is ignoring and what Americans haven't heard up until now was Trump demanding the Georgia Secretary of State to illegally change the vote count of the state to take Joe Biden's honest victory away from him and award it to Trump because Trump doesn't want to be a loser.

Sandra Smith read off the many outraged Republicans reactions to Trump's insane call and tried to get Perdue to respond to the actual contents of Trump's morally reprehensible and criminal call to Georgia.

Smith said, "You reacted to the leaking of that call in the actual taping of it, but what about the contents of that call?

Perdue said, "Well, however he said it Sandra, what he's saying is that something untoward happened here."

Yes, something untoward did happen and it was all taped. It was Trump committing election fraud.

But Purdue ignored that and instead played the same tired disgruntled voter fraud claim game that Georgia has debunked numerous times already including three recounts.

Perdue's responses show why he is unfit to hold office and must be defeated in George's runoff on Tuesday.

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