Fox And Friends Wonders If Trump's Anarchy Will Hurt Georgia Run Offs
Fox And Friends: 'Maybe Today At Noon' We'll See The Evidence Of Massive Election Fraud. Really? If thousands of dead people voted then show us the evidence.
During this morning's Fox and Friends, the co-hosts were lamenting the fact that GOP Senators like Ted Cruz will demand an audit of the vote on Wednesday, while Trump was calling for two days of protests in Georgia before the runoff elections.
Co-host Steve Doocy claimed that the stunt being pulled by Republican Senators this week was their last chance to show support for Trump because after Wednesday, "it's over."
Brian Kilmeade said Trump's causing "anarchy" in Georgia before the runoff elections. The so-called president is calling for two days of protests based on the unfounded claims that their state "rigged" the election against him.
Kilmeade complained that Trump's legal team "never produced any evidence of thousands of dead people voting" against Trump.
Kilmeade said, "I think it's up to the president's legal team to produce what they are telling him they have. For example, if they have 200 dead people voting in Nevada, can I see the names?"
He continued, "If you have thousands and you tell the president you got thousands of dead people voting in Georgia, show the president and then have the president hold it up."
"Because if there's 2000, it's most likely be 20,000, (Huh?) but so far there's just no proof of it and just because you voted for the president doesn't mean that there's actual evidence exists," Kilmeade opined.
Co-host Steve Doocy replied, "There have been a number of Trump supporters who have said things on TV and on social media that have clouded the waters - thousands of dead people, dominion machines, all that stuff."
Doocy continued, "Interestingly enough that information is never entered into a court because you cannot present information into a court if you do not have the evidence. And so far we haven't seen the evidence."
"Maybe today at noon they'll bring out the evidence, but we haven't seen it so far."
The time has passed to show us the evidence because there is none.
Co-Host Ainsley Earhardt said that staunch conservatives (meaning Trump cultists) feel very defeated because they think the election was rigged.
They only believe that because Trump and his hack "legal team" have been promoting massive lies since the early morning hours of November 4th.
Trump tried to steal the presidential election first by interrupting the US Maik, then through the courts (where they lost 60 cases), then with intimidation by trying to illegally force state governments (including Georgia's Secretary of State) to find new votes for him and finally with archaic and seditious procedure maneuvers in Congress.
All of this is morally reprehensible and likely criminal.