Tucker Carlson Has Gone Full Don Quixote
Tucker Carlson tells his viewers not to believe what your eyes and ears are telling you about the Capitol insurrection.
The famous line for Don Quixote: "When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"
Related to this week? I know the answer to that one!
FOX NEWS, that's where. Specifically, "Tucker Carlson Tonight."
Tucker Carlson has been flailing at windmills for a long time on his Fox News program. Most recently he has been stoking bogus voter fraud claims, but after the riots at the Capitol, he's forced to convince his viewers that what took place... didn't actually take place.
Trump's hardcore followers were on full display as 8000 of them descended upon Washington DC on January 6, to hear Trump tell them he was going to "lead them to the Capitol building" and "they have to fight to keep the election from being stolen" from him.
Rudy Giuliani screamed it's time for a "trial by combat."
But Tucker Carlson insists his viewers not believe what their eyes and ears are telling them:
You know what that was, and you also know what it wasn't. It was not an act of racism. It was not an insurrection. It wasn't an armed invasion by a brigade of dangerous white supremacists. It wasn't. Those are lies.
Almost every single Fox News host has engaged in serious Trump-sanctioned propaganda since he won the Republican nomination for President in 2016.
The evidence is clear from the videos and audio recordings we've heard. "Hang Mike Pence" was chanted throughout the Capitol while it was under siege.
The U.S. Capitol was overwhelmingly made up of longtime Trump supporters, including Republican Party officials, GOP political donors, far-right militants, white supremacists, members of the military and adherents of the QAnon myth that the government is secretly controlled by a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophile cannibals
Members of white supremacists hoisting Confederate flags in the chambers were on full display, but that's not racist to Carlson.
When Carlson says something dark is going on he doesn't mean there was an attempted coup against US democracy perpetrated by Trump. Tucker needs to deflect from the truth and create an alternative reality in an effort to support Donald Trump and for his viewers to keep watching his program. Tucker must disavow any role he played in whipping up these traitors.
The idea that he brings Chewbacca into debate shows you how this man is Don Quixote rather than Edward R. Murrow. Sorry to mention a real journalist in this context but I'm sure you understand.
Trump's supporters may have looked like freaks at the Capitol, but they were dangerous, violent and seditious freaks.
Sure there are many people that support Trump throughout the Republican Party during a presidential election because he represents the party, but many are not serving only Trump and his dangerous anti-Democratic narcissistic persona.
I agree, your, words are insulting, Tucker.
UPDATE: It isn't the first time. Trump Russia 2017: