Don Jr. Defends Ted Cruz, Insists Texas Governor Is A Dem

Wait, what? It appears Donald Trump Junior believes TX Governor Abbott is a Democrat?

Don Trump Junior has never been considered a Mensa candidate, but his defense of Ted Cruz running out on Texans is quite something.

Senator Cruz made, perhaps, the defining mistake of his career leaving for Cancún while people were dying and without water because of a massive power outage and freeze in his home state of Texas.

Don Jr., in a social media video, squints his eyes and insists that Ted Cruz is "just a Senator" and he doesn't manage anything.

"That's a governor's job!" he said.

In Junior's tweet on his video, he writes this: "The hypocrisy of those trying to cancel Ted Cruz who have been totally silent on their Democrat Governor’s incompetence is telling."

Does he believe Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is a Democrat?

Junior is obviously blaming the Texas governor for the statewide blackout and water disaster. Does Junior not remember that Gov. Abbott was a staunch Trump ally along with his crackpot Attorney General Ken Paxton?

"[Senators'] mostly vote on things," he continued. "I'm not gonna jump on the bandwagon and cancel this guy for taking his kids on vacation."

The CDC Coronavirus guidelines strictly inform Americans NOT to go to Mexico, but when has any Trumper listened to sound medical advice when it comes to COVID?

Junior does admit that this wasn't the ideal time for Ted Cruz -- "Cancun Cruz," Junior dubbed him even though he said he wasn't really giving him a nickname.

Junior asserts that a Senator has no power to affect change in his state and is basically just a useless pencil pusher.

Calling Don Trump Junior a pencil pusher would be an attack on all pencil pushers.

What Ted Cruz did is exactly what many Right-wing elites do in a time of crisis.
Leave your state in ruins with people dying. Travel with police escorts to a warm and exotic place. And leave your constituents to fend for themselves.

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