Fox News' Bill Hemmer Predicts Cancel Culture Is Coming For The Bible Next
First they came for Lincoln and now they are coming for Jesus?
A Fox News host took the cancel culture meme to new heights when he claimed the left will come for bible characters next.
A Chicago city commission has been created after the Black Lives Matter protests, and is reviewing many monuments in public spaces.
This is unacceptable to the Qonservative media, and it was highlighted by Fox News' Bill Hemmer.
After Fox reporter Carly Shimkus complained about Abraham Lincoln statues being reconsidered, and Dana Perino discussed a "Lincoln" sandwich she may never eat again, the Fox News host jumped in with this malarkey.
Hemmer warned, "If they start canceling American presidents, they’ll come after Bible characters next. Mark my words, right?”
Shimkus replied, "Yep, yep. yep."
Oh, no!
Fox News has been using the Bible against the left since its inception, and Hemmer keeps that destructive tradition alive. Furthermore, cancel culture has been led by Christian evangelicals like Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell, when televangelists first ever became a thing.
It was no shock that in 2009, many conservative evangelicals supported the Tea Party movement against the first elected black president, or that under Trump, they rallied around militia movements, white supremacists, and QAnon lunacy.
Pouring more fuel into right wing grievance culture is just what right wing media does.
Fear-mongering pays very well for Bill hemmer.