OOPS, Fox News! Chicago 'Parent' Attacking Teachers Is A Talk Show Host

Fox News "failed" to disclose Amy Jacobson's side gig as a radio talk show host while letting her slam teachers.

Fox News brought on a Chicago public school parent and soccer coach named Amy Jacobson, who claimed with no proof that teachers would rather live in their second California or Florida homes than teach their kids in local schools.

Negotiations between the mayor and the union are tough going so Fox News needed someone to come on and attack the teachers union because that's what they do.

But the one thing Fox News failed to disclose to its audience was that Jacobson is a Chicago talk show host and not just a concerned parent.

Jacobson's show is called Chicago's Morning Answer with Dan Proft & Amy Jacobson. Ever hear about transparency?

Obviously public school teachers don't make the kind of bank to live in luxury. Their median salary is 62.370.

Liars gotta lie. Cheaters gotta cheat and FoxQ gotta spread conspiracies.

And Jacobson didn't hold back her QAnon conspiracy theory either as she leveled her criticisms of the Chicago teachers.

EARHARDT: What do you think the real reason is, if they keep changing their argument? Why don't they want to go back?

AMY JACOBSON: Well I think a lot of people enjoy working from their homes in Florida, and their homes in California, their second homes. And I talked to one teacher at Lane Tech who said, "Oh I love staying at home because then I can go work out, I don't have to shower, and I can just go straight to the Zoom classroom." So this has never been about the kids, Ainsley, this has always been about their needs and not our children's needs.


Jacobson never mentioned that teachers are worried about being infected with COVID. Why would that matter during a pandemic, right?

Negotiations are always tough but add COVID to the mix and it's even more volatile.

The least Fox could do is properly identify the guests who they have joining their programs.

I know, I know, C&L commenters. That's way too much to ask from the land of right wing propaganda, but we needed to say it anyway.

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