Varney Blames Bernie Sanders And AOC For Texas Power Outages

Who knew Bernie Sanders and AOC made Texans freeze?

Stuart Varney, a staunch Trump and big oil supporter, unconscionably blamed the massive power outages in Texas on environmentalists, and named Bernie Sanders and AOC as the culprits.

With no proof or evidence (as usual) the FOX Business host belched propaganda for two minutes about "coastal elites depriving you of your heat in the freezing cold."

"Our hearts go out to the people of Texas and all those caught in his deep-freeze. Being without power, water, heating, in frigid conditions is no fun, they can be deadly," he said.

Varney described how wind turbines freezing up caused the massive blackout which decimated Texas communities and left them without power.

Then suddenly, he turned on the greenies.

"Set this on climate policy and you see the problem," he said


"Nat gas is a fossil fuel and the greens don't like it so they kill pipelines and stop drilling. The flyover folks are now literally playing the price for the coastal elites who are 'saving the planet.'"


He yelled that the Greens demand you get power from renewables!

"They don't care if you freeze," he yelled

"They are above it all!"

Varney just hates renewables, loves fossil fuels, and makes a profit from attacking any form of the Green New Deal or sensible climate change policy. Varney will do and say anything to prop up big oil.

Varney continued, "Bernie Sanders and AOC would be apoplectic if the president backed off even a smidgen. Which means you pay, you get blacked out, you have to buy a generator you have to freeze in the dark you lose your jobs that's quite a price to pay for the green dream of the elites."

Interesting, then, that The Houston Chronicle blames local officials for their neglect of the power grid.

Anyone notice who they turned to for help in this crisis? The federal government, ie. the taxpayers of California.

Qonservatives can fearmonger any disaster, whether it's man-made or natural and turn it into an instant attack on climate change policies, government spending, decency to the undocumented worker, or any democratic proposal that helps the nation instead of the wealthy and corporations.

Republicans in Texas holding office are the laughing stock and their communities are suffering for it.

Oh my God, what a jackass.


Journalist and Texan Kurt Eichenwald ripped Republicans for the crisis. "If Texas was on the national grid, our homes wouldn't be as low as 15 degrees. But no, we had typical yeee-haw thinking we're better than everyone. Or we could have planned ahead, made sure our wind turbines had cold weather packages - companies like Siemens sell them given how much of our power comes from turbines now frozen," he wrote.

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