Larry Kudlow Is Disgusting
Paid contributor to Fox Business spins BS about Joe Biden, because that's the job. Disgusting.
Joe Biden is keeping the promises he made on the campaign trail. Quickly and efficiently.
Undoing some of the worst of Trump's immoral and xenophobic policies, as well as using the strength of the federal government to help states implement massive vaccinations, is somehow making Q-servatives like Larry Kudlow and Maria Bartiromo flip out and embarrass themselves.
To Trump's former lovers, I mean supporters, President Biden's push to send real economic and COVID aid to the American people is some kind of "vast left-wing conspiracy" signed by a man who doesn't understand what he's signing.
Creeps and liars.
Kudlow, who is always wrong about everything, was given a shiny new job by Fox News.
Kudlow joined Maria Bartiromo to hint that Joe Biden's diminished in some capacity and is not in charge of his administration.
That's their go-to attack that came from Giuliani, Dr. Siegel, and Donald that went nowhere throughout the entire 2020 campaign.
All conservatives can do now is play to the Trump/Q cultist base, which is diminishing.
"He may be the most left-wing president. I don't know whether he believes this stuff," Kudlow said.
"I don't know whether he is an empty vessel for the far left wing of his party. But they are moving in the wrong direction,' said the man who claimed COVID was totally contained almost a year ago.
Any direction other than Trump is the right direction.
Maria Bartiromo agreed and made this crass comment, "Some people feel like Susan Rice is running things. Does President Biden understand what he's signing into law here with these executive orders?"
Kudlow tried to suddenly stay above her insults when he replied, "I'm not going to get into if he is alert or not alert. He is who he is."
They are upset because now Fox News hosts don't get to set the agenda for their deposed leader any longer. And when a compromise is struck like it was on DACA, the Rush Limbaugh's don't have veto power on air either.