Pelosi Announces 9-11 Style Commission To Investigate 1-6. Lindsey Graham Agrees

As brain-numbing as Sen. Graham was during this Fox News Sunday interview, he got one thing right.

Sen. Lindsey Graham told Fox News Sunday that he wants to have a 9/11 style commission to investigate everything surrounding the infamous 1/6 insurrection at the US Capitol.

Seven Republicans joined with Democrats to vote to convict Trump, which made the vote 57-43, (Still a significant number ) which was short of the 66% mark needed to impeach.

Sen. Graham and many other Senate Republicans embarrassed America and themselves for refusing to uphold their oath of office and instead pledged allegiance to a megalomaniac.

During Graham's entire interview, he lied, reversed himself, obfuscated and was otherwise awful.

Digby writes, "Lindsey Graham and a number of the others seem no different than the most ardent Red Hats at a Trump rally. He’s their Dear Leader."

His appearance shows how far he's fallen except for this part.

While Graham hemmed and hawed about Trump's guilt and complained about the process used, host Chris Wallace played video of Rep. Jamie Herrera Beutler describing Rep. McCarthy's angry call with Trump while the insurrection was taking place.

Asked the incriminating video ended, Sen. Graham claimed that what Republican Congresswoman Jamie Herrera Beutler put into the record at the Senate trial was only "hearsay" about Rep. McCarthy's infamous call Trump begging to do stop the rioters and in which Trump refused.

So basically, any person, even a Congressperson who testifies to what they saw and heard during an insurrection or other high crimes and misdemeanors about a sitting president is just hearsay? That's a new precedent in American law.

But then Graham said this: "Why don't we have a 9/11 investigation?"

If Donald Trump's speech is going to be seen as incitement by a politician to call violence about every Democrat and
Republican up here is in trouble but I'd like to know that. I'd like to know did the Capitol Hill police inform the House sergeant at arms and the Senate sergeant at arms the day before the attack that they needed more troops? So I want to look at all of it.

This country definitely needs a 1/6 Commission to investigate the origins of insurrection by the MAGA supporters, how they organized around Trump's "Save America" speech, and what other Republicans were involved.

What took place during that speech?

Why were these protesters granted access to March from the Ellipsis to the Capitol after they were denied?

Why wasn't there enough Capitol police and other law enforcement agencies available to defend the Capitol from domestic terrorists when the FBI warned of violence?

Why didn't Trump immediately send in help to stop the riots?

These and other questions need to be answered in detail.

Now we can count on Lindsey Graham's full support as he turns towards being a MAGA + cheerleader for 2022.

UPDATE: Speaker Pelosi is on board too.

More from AP:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says Congress will establish an independent, Sept. 11-style commission to look into the deadly insurrection that took place at the U.S. Capitol.

Pelosi says the commission will “investigate and report on the facts and causes relating to the January 6, 2021, domestic terrorist attack upon the United States Capitol Complex … and relating to the interference with the peaceful transfer of power.”

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