McConnell Affirms Trump's Sedition And Guilt AFTER Voting To Acquit

McConnell says Trump is guilty, but makes excuses about why he voted to acquit. Big talk now, Skippy.

Sen. Mitch McConnell gave a lengthy speech after many Republicans refuse to do their sworn duty (outside of seven senators) and let Trump off.

McConnell's speech sounded like it came straight from the mouths of the House Impeachment Managers' entire presentation.

There's no question, none, that Pres. Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.


The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.

McConnell said that there is heated political rhetoric in our country but Trump did was something different.

This was an intensifying crescendo of conspiracy theories orchestrated by the outgoing president [Trump] who seemed determined to either overturn the voters decision or else torch our institutions on the way out.

The unconscionable behavior did not end when the violence actually began.


We know he was watching the same live television as the rest of us


It was obviously that only president Trump could end this. He was the only one who could.


The president did not do his job.

McConnell said Trump watched television and the mob, happily, and still kept pressing his scheme to overturn the election.

He recapped what the House Managers laid out, and detailed Trump sending his flying monkeys after Mike Pence. McConnell even attacked Fox News' constant theme about the 74 million people who voted for Trump to excuse his behavior.

"They used American voters as a kind of human shield against criticism. That's an absurd deflection," McConnell said.

74 million Americans did not invade the Capitol. Hundreds of rioters did. 74 million Americans did not engineer the campaign of disinformation and rage provoked it.

One person did. Just one!

McConnell openly admitted Trump was responsible for causing an insurrection, and for trying to overthrow a presidential election against the will of the American people. But McConnell used a process point to vote to acquit.

A cowardly move to the umpteenth degree.

But I'm posting this as a reference point for you and the media to use, so that we never forget. I'm also posting it for any Trump voter, cultist, family member who still defends the most despicable president in our lifetime by claiming this was all a politics as usual.

The Republican Senate Minority Leader squarely indicted Donald Trump for sedition and for causing the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol that happened on January 6, 2021.

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