Pat Robertson Claims A New 'Ice Age' Is Coming
Because Texas has a massive power outage during a freezing cold winter, the Evangelical leader is claiming a new Ice Age is upon us.
The Texas Freeze has prompted CBN's Pat Robertson to warn his flock of a new "Ice Age."
You heard right.
The Evangelical leader said not to worry about global warming, but this new catastrophic event hurling toward humanity. Also, don't worry about how this crisis was exacerbated by the ineptitude of Texas Republicans refusing to upgrade their power grid for years.
"Every 50,000 years or so, we have a shift in the attitude of our planet, and we are looking not on Global warming, but another potential ice age and it's a question of how soon," Robertson said.
I didn't know planet Earth is regulated by its attitude and demeanor?
Robertson continued, "So I wouldn't spend a lot of time on global warming. What I would spend time being concerned about is there was enough nuclear power, enough gas and coal to keep us warm when it really gets cold."
How does Robertson know this? Who knows, he didn't even say God told him, he had a prophecy or it came to him in a dream.
But if we are in for an Ice Age, (we are not) that is basically an extinction-level event and no matter how much fossil fuels we have the human race would be wiped out.
This is a really laughable attempt at denying climate change. And we'll never forget that Pat thought Katrina was God's punishment somehow.