Matt Gaetz Frets That Scathing McConnell Speech Gave Ammo To Prosecute Trump

Let's hope Democrats pick up that ammo and aim it right at Mar-a-Lago

Rep. Matt Gaetz (Q-FL) was furious over Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's speech after the bipartisan vote to remove Trump from office for inciting a seditious riot at the U.S. Capitol. Despite the fact that there weren't enough votes for a conviction, the final verdict condemned Trump for his role.

Gaetz, one of the most sycophantic sycophants in Trump's orbit, was supposed to discuss the collapse of the Lincoln Project, but instead took his ire out on the former Majority Leader.

"Frankly, the most dangerous was Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who took to the floor and essentially gave the Biden Justice Department cover to prosecute the president, his son, even his supporters who didn’t engage in any violent conduct on January 6th,” Gaetz whined.

The little toady is worried that members of the Republican party who aren't cultists are trying to purge Trump from the party. Without Trump, he has nowhere to go.


Hopefully, prosecute they will.

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