CO Market Shooting Witness: 'Doesn’t Feel Like There’s Anywhere Safe Anymore'

Ryan Borowski describes his experience in King Soopers during Monday's mass shooting.

CNN's Erin Burnett interviewed Ryan Borowski, who was in King Soopers, the Colorado supermarket when a massacre took place and he described the situation and hopelessness its caused.

Using his phone to discuss the incident with the CNN host, Borowski described hearing the shots and how he and others survived the shooting.

The incident is still ongoing...

In a heart breaking moment, Burnett asked, "Could you ever imagine you that would have been in a situation like this, Ryan, where you are?”

“In Boulder? No," Borowski replied.

He continued, “I,I,I. Boulder feels like a bubble. And a bubble bursts, and that’s heartbreaking to think that people died today."

"It doesn’t feel like there’s anywhere safe anymore sometimes though, and this feels like the safest spot in America and I just nearly got killed for getting a soda, you know, and a bag of chips-- Doesn't feel good.”

Until we have more information we aren't sure why this gunman decided to become a mass murderer and unloaded on these innocent people.

All we have at this point is the knowledge that one police officer is dead.

We will update as we know more.

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