Does MyPillow CEO Need To Be In A Straitjacket?

Mike Lindell has crossed the rubicon from reality to fantasy, spending his fortune on a grift.

Mike Lindell, the CEO of my pillow, QAnon Savant and extremist evangelical voter fraud lunatic told Steve Bannon that he knows Trump will be back in office in August.

RightWingWatch caught his latest tirade.

Steve Bannon hosts this nut for what seems like every week. The QAnon Trump treasonous supporters must either love him or he's paying for air time.

Lindell is still peddling his voter fraud lies, this time claiming the Supreme Court is going to overturn the 2020 election. Since January 9th, Lindell has been running a one-man wrecking crew of lunacy and lies, still trying to overthrow the 2020 presidential election with his vast resources of capital.

A raving Lindell said, "All the evidence I have, everything is going to go before the Supreme Court and the election of 2020 is going bye-bye."

"It was an attack by other countries, communism coming in," he insisted, in spite of a report saying that foreign intervention was on Trump's side and in any case, no vote tallies were affected.

The Dominion lawsuit against him doesn't appear to have had an effect on him at all.

When Bannon tried to interrupt, Lindell cut him off, saying, "Hold on, Donald Trump will be back in office in August."

Does Lindell need to be in a straitjacket?

He does not appear to be at all well. Or else it's just all a grift to bring in more money so Trump can pay some more lawyers.

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