Fox Business Goes Gaga For Bidenomics

The 1.9T trillion American Rescue Plan Act has caused Goldman Sachs to predict 8% growth in the US economy which even FOX Business can't criticize.

Say goodbye to the deficit scolds and inflation fairies.

Goldman Sachs predicts that the US economy will grow by 8% in 2021, which is a massive increase the US hasn't seen in generations.

Even FOX Business Trumpist Stuart Varney was forced to admit Keynesian economics (aka Bidenomics) works best in troubling times.

FOX Business reporter Susan Li said you have to go back to 1951 see this kind of economic growth in America. And it's the first time since 1976 that the US has outpaced China.

A giddy Susan Li said, "So 8 percent Stu, is just incredible!"

Varney replied, "Well that shows you what a wall of money thrown at the economy will do for the economy."

I couldn't have said it any better, Stuart. President Biden learned the lesson of a small stimulus from 2009 well. Go big or go home. We'll call it Bidenomics from now on.

Varney then remarkably praised the Democrats: "Makes the Democrats look pretty good in 2022 as well."

While Republicans whine about Mr. Potato Head and Pepe LePew for the third week in a row and refuse to help their constituents, the Democratic party is stimulating the economy, stopping forecloses and evictions, extending unemployment, and sending much needed financial relief to the American people during a pandemic.

Main Street and Wall Street are in agreement for a change. It took them long enough to figure it out.

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