Fox's Howie Kurtz Defends Biden
The right-wing freak out of the week wasn't good enough for Howie Kurtz? Interesting.
During President Biden's first national press conference last week, the conservative media machine needed an outrage. But Biden did a good job, so they focused on the fact that he had notes to make sure he was on point and accurate.
In response to that right-wing faux outrage, two Fox News hosts bolted from the prescribed talking point, and indicated that notes during a presser are perfectly normal.
Fox Business host Liz Claman and Fox News media reporter Howard Kurtz on Media Buzz agreed that it's perfectly normal for leaders to be prepared with notes handy to give accurate facts.
Kurtz tried to sell the idea that Biden benefited in the media because Qonservatives lowered the bar by attacking Biden's mental acuity.
Claman agreed.
And then she reminded the wingnuts about Trump's silly notes.
"The whole point about the note cards Remember, after Parkland, in the listening session, President Trump was eviscerated for having notes on a card, a little crib sheet."
And one of them said a reminder to say 'I hear you.'
She continued, "We don’t want our world leaders riffing. We do not want our politicians just kind of going with the flow. Yes, you want facts and figures on a notecard. I mean, that’s ridiculous. Every CEO I interview, all good reporters, they have notes with them.”
“You know what? Journalists use them too.”
Traitor Trump rarely used notes or even studied topics to discuss because he refused to learn anything new, so he riffed and lied and riffed and lied.
The results speak for themselves.