Varney Blames Unpassed Green New Deal For Energy Prices

The GOP has no legislating principles or ideas except to lie excessively, which Stuart Varney is pleased to repeat. PS. The Green New Deal is not a bill, and none of its precepts have passed Congress yet.

Stuart Varney really hates the dramatic early successes of President Biden and the Democratic Party. His job is to feed QAnon MAGAs the conspiracies and disinformation they crave.

During his 'My Word" segment, Varney claimed Biden's going big on taxation as "punishment for capitalist success."

Yeah, a 1% tax on families making $400,000 and over is a real punishment.

Varney is angry that in Biden's infrastructure plan, it's the working class that benefits for a change instead of his wealthy friends and Wall Street buddies. Instead of allowing their Trump tax cuts for billionaires to "trickle down" (which never happens), they bought villas, Porsches, and stock buy-backs.

So, instead of highlighting the good the American Rescue Act is doing and pointing to a new infusion of jobs, capital and infrastructure, Varney lied about the Green New Deal, making believe it's real legislation and not a set of goals.

"The Green New Deal has already given us higher energy prices and thousands upon thousands of lost jobs," Varney lied.

Varney never says who, or where, or when these jobs were lost, however, or when the Green New Deal was actually passed, since it hasn't.

It appears the only people getting sh*t on over energy prices are Texans, who are being charged thousands of dollars for a week's worth of energy during the devastating deep freeze. This, after Republican lawmakers mismanaged their power grid.

Passing progressive legislation to help 98.4% of the population is a slap in the face to the FOX Business and CNBC community of Wall street pundits.

Keep up the good work, Joe Biden.

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