Joy Reid Shreds Lauren Boebert For Ad Threatening Nancy Pelosi

The real terrorists are in the GOP.

Joy Reid took on the GOP outrage machine, because they're fuming about government that dares to work for and on behalf of the American people for a damn change. In addition to Republicans being unified in their opposition to COVID relief to a vote, Reid highlighted Mike Lee's disgust with voting rights, and Lindsey Graham's deep fear of brown children.

"Here is Senator Mike Lee, condemning a bill that will make voting easier which, mind you, is the literal definition of democracy," Reid said, introducing a clip of that fascist saying the bill named for John Lewis to protect voting "is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself."

Then Reid played Lindsey Graham, "in his fear-mongering trump style argle-bargle about the southern border" and (heaven forfend) children. He's drawling on about how brown children grow up to be brown terrorists, just like Al Qaeda and ISIS! Flee! Save yourselves!

"Lindsey, to be clear, there's absolutely no correlation between these migrant children and Osama Bin Laden. None," Reid reassured. But here is where she introduces Wild Bill Boebert, for a look at the real terrorists. "Even Lindsey, who, let's face it, at this point is basically an antebellum cartoon, pales in comparison to Colorado's Lauren *pew pew pew* Boebert, who sent a thinly veiled message to the House Speaker in this creepy new ad."

Cue Boebert, walking next to the barbed wire fence that remains from the MAGA insurrection she encouraged. "Welcome to Fort Pelosi, where Democrats decry walls from within their own heavily guarded razor wire wall." (Ooooo. Isn't it cute when they try to be ironic?) "Democrats don't want to protect you, because they don't care about you. It's time to cut the crap and remember this is the people's house." Yeah, but only certain people, right? MAGA and QAnon, amirite, Yosemite Sam?

Then, she goes for the Reagan appropriating. "Madam Speaker, tear down this wall!" At the end, we hear the sound of gunshots, and the sounds of a gun being loaded. Not such a thinly veiled threat, if you ask moi.

Furthermore, I'm no Reagan fan, believe you me. A truly destructive, despicable president. But to compare the barbed wire surrounding the Capitol to the barbed wire that topped the Berlin Wall is pretty appalling, and belies a gross (if predictable) lack of historic context for that line. And to play gunshots while invoking that line is gross for two other reasons, besides the threat to Speaker Pelosi it implies.

And then there is this fact:

Firstly, more than a few East Berliners were shot trying to scale that wall, and left to die. Secondly, Reagan himself was the target of a shooting assassination attempt, and his Press Secretary, James Brady, was gravely and permanently injured from the shooting.

Not that Miss Guns Blazing is aware of any of that, nor would she give two sh*ts if she were. It's just more evidence of how craven, cynical, and allergic to complex thinking she and the QOP have become.

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