Laura Ingraham Hosts COVID Vaccine Denier
Fox brought on Alex Berenson To Promote QAnon's Latest Anti-Vaxxer Conspiracies. Shame.
Laura Ingraham has been one of the loudest voices against all actions taken to stem the coronavirus.
The Fox News host continues her reckless and callous behavior by hosting Alex Berenson Wednesday night, who is claiming vaccines are not effective against COVID.
How much do you want to bet Laura has had her f*(#&ing shots?
Berenson, who already has attacked the efficacy of masks, came on to denigrate COVID vaccines to an audience immune to lying. Imagine watching Laura Ingraham for news.
While bashing California Governor Newsom, Berenson said, "[Vaccines] are likely to do some good but they are not 95% effective, that's pretty clear from the data out of Israel."
Berenson railed on the push to get as many people vaccinated as possible.
"It changes nothing," Berenson said.
That is a L-I-E.
CNBC just reported, "Pfizer said Thursday its Covid-19 vaccine blocked 94% of asymptomatic infections in an Israeli study – a result CEO Albert Bourla called “extremely important.”
"The study, which measured results two weeks after the second dose, also found the vaccine was at least 97% effective against symptomatic Covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths, according to Pfizer, which developed the shot with BioNTech."
Ingraham immediately claimed it was a conspiracy against the people.
"If they lose a crisis they lose their power. They need the crisis to continue... Never let a crisis go to waste and that's the new mantra," Ingraham said.
Alex Berenson, was vilified in 2019 by the scientific community for writing an anti-marijuana book and misusing the science. The Rolling Stone asked if Berenson was trolling us.
Ingraham has relentlessly attacked CDC guidelines and Dr. Fauci while promoting hack Dr. Scott Atlas. She also promoted quack cures like hydroxychloroquine to her viewers.
QAnon has now latched onto the anti-vax position as the Washington Post writes: With Trump gone, QAnon groups focus fury on attacking coronavirus vaccines
Within the alternative universe of the “Q NEWS OFFICIAL TV” group on Telegram, coronavirus vaccines aren’t saving lives and bending the pandemic toward its eventual end. Rather, they are bioweapons concocted by an evil cabal of corrupt government officials and drug companies.Their goal? Depopulation. Social control. Altering the very genetic structure of our species.
Laura Ingraham and many others in right-wing media are essentially extending the life of COVID while causing more deaths in the US.
When will private companies start cracking down on lies, disinformation and dangerous conspiracy theories during a health crisis?
There is no reason for any cable outlet to carry this pro-death garbage. It is not protected speech when that speech leads to pandemic deaths. Someone needs to hold Laura Ingraham accountable and rip her show and others like it off the airwaves as a clear and present danger to the public.
This tweet from 2018 gets it exactly right:
Frances Langum contributed to this post.