Laura Ingraham's Racist Rant: Dems Want To 'Repopulate America'

Fox News' Laura Ingraham is competing with Tucker Carlson for White Power Hour honors. Just listen to this unhinged rant about what will happen if we let people immigrate.

During an unhinged rant Tuesday evening, Fox News host and all around racist Laura Ingraham flailed at the immigration bill the Biden administration sent to Congress.

She began by hitting Biden for reopening immigration centers which had been previously closed before moving on to her real point.

"Democrats need to keep this crisis under wraps for as long as possible, because they know if the real truth gets out about this situation, their amnesty bill is sunk," she explained.

She continued, "What's happening is a purposeful repopulation of America and the exploitation of migrants for cheap labor." Oh Laura. Projection much?

"As for ordinary citizens of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and colors just trying to make a decent life for themselves, and maybe make a decent living, well you are out of luck," she went on, as if she actually cared about anyone other than those white folks who anxiously tune in to hear about how awful it is to share with others.

You know who talked about "repopulating Detroit" with Syrian immigrants? Yeah, that was Republican 2016 hopeful Jeb Bush. And boy howdy, did National Review rip him for it, too. And here is noted neo-Nazi Richard Spencer suggesting that Manhattan should be "repopulated" with Black people.

Steve King got tossed off his committees and drummed out of Congress for claiming the same thing Laura is. Here's his tweet about using immigrant babies to "restore our civilization."

He was praising fascist and white nationalist Geert Wilders.

Now, Republicans and Fox News aren't pretending, or sugar-coating their racism anymore. They don't have to, because at this point they're all invested in a place where white people reign supreme over everyone else. Laura is just feeding them the red meat they crave to survive.

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