New AP Poll: 70% Approve Biden's Handling Of COVID

These huge numbers also show 44% of all *Republicans* are also backing Joe Biden. How's THAT for bipartisanship?

[Above, Joe Biden laughed off Republican Paul Ryan in their 2012 debate.]

A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research show President Biden has a 60% job approval rating and even higher numbers approve his actions against COVID.

Joe Biden is enjoying an early presidential honeymoon, with 60% of Americans approving of his job performance thus far and even more backing his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Trump never came close to these poll numbers, so all the caterwauling coming from right-wing media outlets like FoxQ is bouncing off a force field of reality.

Americans are more interested in their actual ability to get vaccinated and go back to their lives than the ridiculous faux outrage over a couple of Dr. Seuss books or Mister Potatohead private parts.

Also, Biden's first month in office gave him a nice jobs report, contradicting the doomsday scenario Republicans predicted before the 2020 election.

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