Republican Equates Gun Control To Attacking Sober Drivers

Senator John Kennedy is a buffoon.

In response to the second gun massacre in a week, and a day after a new tragedy in Colorado, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) claimed that using common-sense gun laws to curb unparalleled carnage is like taking the driver licenses away from every sober driver in America.

I kid you not.

Republicans are claiming that having more comprehensive background checks, and outlawing semi-automatic assault weapons that kill an insane number of people is equal to taking away every gun from every legal gun owner.

During a Senate hearing on reducing gun violence, Sen. Kennedy said, "We have a lot of drunk drivers in America that kill a lot of people. We ought to try to combat that too, but I think what many folks on my side of the aisle are saying is that the answer is not to get rid of all sober drivers."

Then this idiot from Louisiana made believe Muslim terrorists are blowing up our children in our schools across America and agreed we shouldn't smear all Muslims over their actions. Like we are doing to all gun owners?

What actions?

The terrorists that have been attacking our schools are Americans.

They're called domestic terrorists. Home grown terrorists.

But Republicans want those terrorists to have access to guns because the gun lobby appreciates their business.

More from that hearing:

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